miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Unid 8 Countig the costs

MultiBrands is a globally successful consumer products company, which has built up a reputation based on Honesty, Quality and Innovation. Since it started operating ten years ago, it has launched at least two new, high-quality products in a diferent markets every year. However, manager are currently reviewing company police because a recent dramatic fall in profits and share price performance.

Shareholders believe that this is due to over-diversification, rising costs and mailing consumer confidence as a resulto f complains that products quality is declining. Sharholder recommendations are:

***Freeze current policy of developing new products

***Concentrate on consolidating curren successful brands

***Improve quality or reduce price

***Freeze recruitment but avoid layoffs

***Reduce current budget by 15 per cent


Reduce the current budget would lower the quality of the products in equal proportion and this is one of the main complaints of consumers, which would lead to increasing dissatisfaction and a decline in sales, on the other side could freeze the policy of creation of new products in this manner is driven products with which the company analyze its strengths and weaknesses to take advantage of every one of them what potencializaría the sale of existing products, and the budget with which states would go with improvements of these products or the performance of new campaigns, not to create new, these strategies to avoid making a cut in staff which will allow us to maximize the staff with that account, assigning activities and working together with managers, in charge of each department and subordinate staff.


Inter State is a new York based company specialised in providing domestic insurance for private individuals and small corporations.

Interstate is currently considering outsourcing all or part of its 150 persons call centre to an overseas location in order to reduce its operating costs. The call centre currently processes calls from both insurance agents and enquiries from members of the public within the USA. Several groups of managers have been asked to research different host countries in order to evaluate their potential to host a pilot project which should take over full responsibility for all call centre operations within twelve months. The management teams will be meeting later in the day to present their recommendations. The following countries have been selected as potential hosts.


Well, in this case there are a Lumber of issues that have to be Looked at. First, there is the question of Business performance itself. Is it really going to be worthwhile for this company to take parto f its Business offshore? There is not much doubt-it will be cheaper at least in the short-term. But there is a downside and that could produce some surprises for any company. The image of the company may well suffer as a result of a decision to offshore, and the potential impact of that is difficult to measure. We´ve already seen that sort of thing happening and some companies have even had to bring back work that they had outsourced.

This, of course, could be made worse by union industrial action. Other problems down the line? Well, when you offshore a critical part our you bussines , your really have to have a fall back strategy if something goes disastrously wrong.this could be wath we call "multi-shoring", where you have and alternative service provider in another country you can switch to if things go wrong.

That way, if there is a major appreciation in wages or foreigh currency, a dispute with your local provider or any sort of instability, you are not in danger.

So you know, i think that if i were being asked to choose a dstination for an outsourcing operation, I would advise the company to think very carefully about "multi-shoring" that way they can minimise the risks and transfers operation to another destination i something goes wrong.


1 - Because it is interesting to have every day but knowledge

2 - The competition is healthy and it shows your capacities

3 - It is but easy the coexistence with the other ones and one works better.

4 - It is good to dialogue and to know how to reach an agreement

5 - It is important to be related with new people. to go building work relationships.

6 - It is to fulfill what you/they send you. if it is not achieved he/she doesn't mean that not ere cpaz of achieving it.

7 - It is important to feel sure in that faces.

8 - It is important to go having new responsibilities.

9 - It is not so important. it is as the entity you leave.

10 -You cannot always live waiting that they congratulate you for that faces.

11 - There is another type of recompenses but satisfactory that the money.

12 - Because if you don't overcome your fears you didn't achieve anything in the life


SUPPLIER: Fruits and vegetables Central de Abastos.

How may I help

SHOP MANAGER: This morning I received a delivery of tomatoes but most of them are damaged and I can’t sell them in these conditions

SUPPLIER: Oh! I’m sorry about that. Well we have got two options:

  • Cancel the order and refund the cost.
  • Replace the order with a new delivery

SHOP MANAGER: Well I would like to replace the delivery tomorrow morning

SUPPLIER: Ok that’s no problem our delivery will be there tomorrow morning with your delivery

SHOP MANAGER: Ok thank you very much.

SUPPLIER: I’m sorry about the mistake. Please accept our apologies.

As in Spanish, English, when comparing two things we want to use adjectives and their varying degrees: positive, comparative and superlative.
- The good referred to the degree simplest form:
A sunny day
- The comparison refers to a degree higher quality of one thing over another.
A better day
- The degree superlative quality concerns in its highest expression:
Today is the best day of the year


With the adjective form is interspersed between the "ace ace ..." (as tan. ..) for phrases and affirmative interrogatives and "not as ... as" or "not so ... as" negative for the phrases .
I'm as young as you
I am as young as you?
I'm not so young as you
We can use after the second 'he' pronoun in the nominative and accusative case (He, his; She, her ...)
He is as young as she; He is as young as her
If this is a comparison between two verbs, we can use the phrase "as much as (much as) in a negative way
She does not work as much as she should
When the comparison is made between two nouns have used "as much as" to the singular and "as many as" for the plural.
I have as much work as my boss
I have as many pencils as you
If we are comparing two substantive accounting (books, cars, houses ...) use "as many as ..." but if we are comparing two substantive uncountable (wood, weather, music ...) we will use the building "as much. .. ace. "
We have as many books as them
We have as much space as them


With the adjective form is interspersed among the "less than ..." (menos. that ..) but it is more usual to find the comparison of equality in a negative way (which has the same meaning).

He's less than you young

He's not as young as you

Normally it is used less for fewer and for accounting uncounted


It is formed of two ways:

Adding the adjective suffix-er for the comparative superiority and-est for the superlative..


+ er

+ est

big (grande)

bigger (más grande)

biggest (el más grande)

The word more precedence (over) for the comparative superiority and "the most" for the superlative


more intelligent

the most intelligent

The one-syllable adjectives form the comparative and superlative with-er and-est

old, older, the oldest

new, newer, the newest

dark, darker, the Darkest

The two syllables ending in er, and he and ow and those with the accent (prosodic) on the last syllable also form the comparative and superlative with-er and-est

clever, cleverer, the cleverest

idle, Idler, the idlest

happy, happier, the happiest

narrow, narrower, the narrowest

The remaining two-syllable adjectives and all of three or more form the comparative and superlative with more with most.

interesting, more interesting, the most interesting


Some adjectives are the comparative erratically

good, better, the best

bad, worse, the worst

far, further, the furthest


- When an adjective ending in-e adds only for ry-st the comparative and superlative.

long, long, the largest

- When ending in consonant and change and i

easy, easier, the easiest

- If ends in a single consonant prededida of a single vowel, double the consonant

big, bigger, the biggest

- The second term of the comparison using the form than that which corresponds to Spanish.

He is workshop than his brother

- When the comparison is made between two adjectives are used more.

She is more funny than happy

- The Spanish expression "increasing" in English is equivalent to the two comparative adjective.

The film is becoming more and more interesting

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Unit 6 Marketing

Dilemma and decision unid 6
Dilemma: A Scent of risk

Bellísima Italian brand that intends to launch a new fragrance to the market which hit a market focused on young women who meet the following characteristics.
Women between 18 to 25 years
Socio-economic level: B B A
Studies from university
They work and are highly social
That in their free time attending cinemas, night clubs, shopping malls, concerts and so on.
Whether you like to be in fashion
Have a preference for the fashion trends in clothing and cosmetics

The perfume is called "Rebel Angel" is a bold and rebellious fragrance, which carries a scent of freedom, intimacy and youth with flower essences, water and Semi East concentrated in a presentation of 700 ml. in a cylindrical metal container traded color, the logo will be the initials of the name of the perfume in colors silver, purple, red with two wings

The price of the fragrance will be $ 95 taking into account a price that is affordable for the market that is focused and that is accessible to the competition

To promote this as a celebrity endorsmen fragrance was thought to Rihanna impact of his image projected strength, rebellion, their music is about fashion and is the first woman of color to be a model of perfume also is young.

The promotion will be disseminated through the Internet pages Hotmail Hi5 Google, In Concert and cinemas showing a small business with the image of Rihanna, in youth magazines such as twenty, malls

Will go on sale in stores such as Sears, Liverpool, Palacio de Hierro and Samborns which is located in major shopping malls in the Distirto Federal.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Georgio Armani Strategy presentation

1 Current sector of activity: the principal activities of the company are:
Scent Cosmetics Spectacles
Watches Fashion Accessories
Furniture Caonfectionery Cafes
Nightclubs Flowers

2. Proposed new market
Georgio Armani are interestic in the Hotel Industry, with the intention of creater new hotel with stile luxurius more than Hotel fivestart

3. Proposed proyect:
Joint venture with Emaar Properties to desing ten new lusury hotels and four resorts

4. Project duration:
The time proximate of the projec is de 8 to 10 years

5. Strategic reasoning:
Georgio Armani wants to be one step ahead of competitors such as Calvin Klein, Yves St Lauren among others, as they are also entered in the hotel industry.

6. Risks:
Travel and luxury industries follow same economic cycle Unstable market conditions Dilution of brand

7. Adventages:
Generating positive publicity

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Redefining Marketing WADA The American Marketing Association (AMA), released a new definition of marketing, introducing explicitly the increasingly important role that this discipline is playing in society:

This is the new definition:
"Marketing is the activity, set of relevant practices and processes to create, communicate, release and exchange offers that have value for customers, partners and society in general"

The previous definition read:
"The marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and to manage customer relationships so that benefit the organization and shareholders

I think a clearer definition.

In the U.S. the definition of marketing WADA is very important, obviously its partners want to be regarded as official, is quoted in books and teach in universities. I'm not sure if it achieves this goal, but there is no doubt the influence of this partnership that includes among its members of the board of directors executives Yahoo!, Dupont and other companies, as well as professors from various universities, including the famous Harvard School of Business.

What do you think?????

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

The company more candy


The best new´s day to day

President George W Bush has declared a "major strategic shift" in Iraq following the US troop surge.
He said the US now held the initiative and was looking to deliver a "crippling blow" to al-Qaeda in the country.
US troop levels in Iraq are now due to be reduced by about 20,000 by July, but Mr Bush said after that, the "drawdown" process would be frozen.
Then, he said, senior commander General David Petraeus would have "all the time he needs" to assess the next step.
Gen Petraeus had called for a 45-day "period of consolidation and evaluation" after July, before any more troops left.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

The present perfect

Complete the text with the present perfect form of the following verbs
(positive or negative).

Be Decide Fall Introduce Rise See Stay

The Channel Tunnel is an impressive example of modern technology, but it 1have been so successful as a financial venture. Shareholders are unhappy about the latest reports, which show that the number of cars using the tunnel 2have rised by 8 per cent in the last twelve months. The number of trucks and commercial vehicles 3have stayed at the same level, but the company 4have seen an increase in its market share. Airline traffic between London and Paris 5have fallen because of low cost airfares. Eurotunnel's directors 6have decided not to review their pricing strategy. Instead, they 7have introduced a programme of cost-cutting in the hope of saving the company.

Conditional 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If you have an accident, the insurance company (pay) will pay the costs.

If you (not have) don't have insurance, you will have to pay for the damage yourself.

You could miss your plane if you (not hurry) dont hurry.

You (not lose) won't lose money if you invest in a strong company.

There will be an extra charge if the costumer (not pay) doesn't pay on time.

The company (need) will need to recruit more staff if they set up the new office.

Our staff (learn) will learn to do a better job if we give them training.

If the quality (be) is poor, our customers will complain.

Vocabulary check

Choose the best option a-c to complete the text.

Jhon went skiing last winter. He had an 1 accident and fell 20 metres down the mountain. he hasn't 2 injured, but his camera was 3 damaged. the cost of repairs was $200. He tried to 4 claim on his travel insurance, but the insurance company said that his 5 policy didn't cover dangerous sports.
a accident b incident c injury
a damaged b unhealthy c injured
a injured b damaged c destroyed
a complain b cover c claim
a protection b policy c claim

Expressing arguments

A and B discuss whether to hire a big room or smaller room for a party for customers. They don't know how many people will attend. Match the phrases with the arguments a-e.

A My view is that we should hire the big room, (d)
B On the other hand, (e)
A I understand your point, (b)
B Surely the main point (c)
A That's right. (a)

a If the room is too small, our customers will lave - and that could cost us a lot!
b but if a lot of people come, we will need the space.
c is to save costs where we can.
d because it's better to have too much space than not enough.
e we might have to pay a lot of money for space we don't need.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Choose the correct form of the words in italics.

A study was 1 recent/recently carried out into the productivity of 160 engineers worked in teams but also did many tasks 2 individual/individually. The study looked at how 3 frequent/frequently the engineers helped each other. Engineers were also asked to say how 4 high/highly they respected each of their colleagues. The study found that 5 helpful/helpfully engineers received a 6 high/highly level of respect from their colleagues. However, if they gave help but didn't receive much, they were not very 7 productive/productively. Those engineers who accepted help as well as giving it were able to boost their productivity and were also more 8 popular/popularly with their colleagues.

Adjectives and adverbs "Conditional 2"

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brakets.

If the staff (be) were more motivated, they would be more productive.

People (not look) wouldn't look for new jobs if their pay was higher.

Henry would stay in hte same company if he had better career opportunities.

It would be difficult to attract new staff if we (not offer) didn't offer good salaries.

I (enjoy) would enjoy my job more if I could be more creative.

Susan doesn't like working alone. She'd be happier if she (be) were part of a team.

The staff (work) could work more efficiently if their office was more up-to-date.

If we (install) installed a new computer system, we could do the work in half the time.

The present perfect "Conditional 1"

Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Peter Grossman (1start) started his career as an insurance clerk in 1997. But after four years he (2leave) left this job, and (3 join) joined Hertleins, a financial services company. He (4be) has been with this company since 2001. Since joining Hertleins, he (5have) has had two different kinds of job. To begin with, he (6sell) has sold investments to customers all over the country. but he (7not like) didn't like selling very much, so he (8ask) asked the company if he could move to another department. Now he works as an assistant in the human resources depatment. He (9 work) has worked in this job for nearly two years now.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Vocabulary 2

Dealing with complaints

Match the steps 1-5 from the LEARN routine with the explanations a-e
(c) 1 LISTEN a Show that you understand how the customer is feeling.
(a) 2 EMPATHISE b Tell management about the problem
(e) 3 APOLOGISE c Don´t interruot when the customer explains the problem
(d) 4 REACT d Promise to do someting
(b) 5 NOTIFI e Say "sorry"

Vocabulary 3

Choose the word or phrase that has a similar meaning to the ones in italics
1. It´s significant problem and a lot of people are complaining about it.
a minor b typical c important
2. Our busines is suffering a result of poor service
a doing badly b recovering c failing
3. If the service is poor, the company will reimburse you
a ask you for money b recover the money c refund your money
4. The hotel has a good reputation
a has had a good report b is know to be very good c is very expensive

Vocabulary 4

1.- Cross out the noun in each group which does not go with the verb
1. make a complaint / a customer / an apology
2. deal with a service / a customer / a problem
3. handle a query / a need / a complaint
4. offer a refund / an apology / a complaint
5. satisfy a need / a customer / a complaint

2.- Choose the correct verbs in italics to complete the text

If a company doesn´t satisfy / offer a customer´s needs and he or she makes / offers a complaint, the compay should respond immediately and deal with / satisfy the customer´s problem. Businesses that don´t try to satisfy / handle their customers usually receive more complaints. If the company offers / deals with a refund the complaining customer will often come back. But if the company fails to even make / handle and a pology, the customer will not only change to another company, but may also tell other people about their bad experience.
What do you think customer service staff should do in the following situations? maths the situations 1-5 with the actions a-e

(c) 1. A customer is angry about a mistake. a Suggest a solution
(a) 2. An angry customer describes the probelm b Say what you can do
(e) 3. A customer complains but doesn´t demand c Stay calm
any action
(d) 4. A customer demands action but the company d Accept that you probably
can´t do what the customer wants wont find a solution
(b)5. The customer is very difficult person e Listen carefully and repeat to check
Complete the extracts from company brochures with the present somple or future form of the verbs in brackets

Lowets prices guaranteed!
If you (find)_find_ the same product at a lower price in another store, we (refund) _refund_ the difference.

Customer service guarantee
If you (be) _will be_ dissatisfied in any way with the quality of our service, we (send) _send_ you a €15 voucher.

Special offer!
We (deduct)_will deduct_ 10 per cent from the price if you (order)_order_ before octuber 31st.

Cancellation charges
If you (cancel) _canel_ less than four weeks before the date departure, the total cost of travel (be)_will be_ payable

Product irformation
If you (require)_requiere_ further information about any of the products featured in this brochure, please call 040 900 900 and our sales staff (be) _will be_ pleased to help you.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

Excersise in the class room

1. If the information is incomplete, won´t be able to understand the message
2. Our sales will increase substantraly, if we will increase the offer
3. We´ll stop the meeting, if will be delayed plans
4. If you order now, you will satisfied you need most fast
5. If you presentation will be better, you will win a better you position job
6. If you car is stolen, you will fall in istery
7. The company doesn´t advertise a product well, willn´t be able to increase their sales
8. If our main competitor goes bankrupt, You will get their market and their customers
9. The company will pay you a performance bonus, You will increase your salary and your ahorar

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Vocabulry 1
Feedback on service
Complete the comments to a holiday travel company with the following words
apology dissatisfied friendly pleased wrong excellent useful mistake dirty rude poor

We had _excellent_ service from firts enquiries on the telephone to arrival at the resort. Staff very _friendly_and efficent.

Very_pleased_ to receive the receipt and confirmation the day after booking

We were very _dissatisfied_ with the service at the hotel. Our room was _dirty_ and the hotel receptionist was _rude_.

When I booked mu holiday, your representative quoted me the _wrong_ price. I pointed out the _mistake_ but she made no _apology_.

The holiday representative had good local knowlege and gave _useful_information

The service in the hotel restaurant was _poor_.

Unit 12

Getting better service
Conditional 1
Dilema: Service not included
A complaint is a gift

Customer satisfaction is an importan part of a company´s sales strategy, so companies try to provide good customers service. That means offering high quality products and services, answering queries, making it easy for customers to order and pay for goods, and delivering in time. companies also need to have system for handling complaints, so that if they make a mistake of offer poor service, they can deal with the problem. Most companies train their customer service staff to deal politely with customers.