miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008


1 - Because it is interesting to have every day but knowledge

2 - The competition is healthy and it shows your capacities

3 - It is but easy the coexistence with the other ones and one works better.

4 - It is good to dialogue and to know how to reach an agreement

5 - It is important to be related with new people. to go building work relationships.

6 - It is to fulfill what you/they send you. if it is not achieved he/she doesn't mean that not ere cpaz of achieving it.

7 - It is important to feel sure in that faces.

8 - It is important to go having new responsibilities.

9 - It is not so important. it is as the entity you leave.

10 -You cannot always live waiting that they congratulate you for that faces.

11 - There is another type of recompenses but satisfactory that the money.

12 - Because if you don't overcome your fears you didn't achieve anything in the life

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