jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

The present perfect "Conditional 1"

Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Peter Grossman (1start) started his career as an insurance clerk in 1997. But after four years he (2leave) left this job, and (3 join) joined Hertleins, a financial services company. He (4be) has been with this company since 2001. Since joining Hertleins, he (5have) has had two different kinds of job. To begin with, he (6sell) has sold investments to customers all over the country. but he (7not like) didn't like selling very much, so he (8ask) asked the company if he could move to another department. Now he works as an assistant in the human resources depatment. He (9 work) has worked in this job for nearly two years now.

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