sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Vocabulary 4

1.- Cross out the noun in each group which does not go with the verb
1. make a complaint / a customer / an apology
2. deal with a service / a customer / a problem
3. handle a query / a need / a complaint
4. offer a refund / an apology / a complaint
5. satisfy a need / a customer / a complaint

2.- Choose the correct verbs in italics to complete the text

If a company doesn´t satisfy / offer a customer´s needs and he or she makes / offers a complaint, the compay should respond immediately and deal with / satisfy the customer´s problem. Businesses that don´t try to satisfy / handle their customers usually receive more complaints. If the company offers / deals with a refund the complaining customer will often come back. But if the company fails to even make / handle and a pology, the customer will not only change to another company, but may also tell other people about their bad experience.

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