sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Vocabulary 2

Dealing with complaints

Match the steps 1-5 from the LEARN routine with the explanations a-e
(c) 1 LISTEN a Show that you understand how the customer is feeling.
(a) 2 EMPATHISE b Tell management about the problem
(e) 3 APOLOGISE c Don´t interruot when the customer explains the problem
(d) 4 REACT d Promise to do someting
(b) 5 NOTIFI e Say "sorry"

Vocabulary 3

Choose the word or phrase that has a similar meaning to the ones in italics
1. It´s significant problem and a lot of people are complaining about it.
a minor b typical c important
2. Our busines is suffering a result of poor service
a doing badly b recovering c failing
3. If the service is poor, the company will reimburse you
a ask you for money b recover the money c refund your money
4. The hotel has a good reputation
a has had a good report b is know to be very good c is very expensive

Vocabulary 4

1.- Cross out the noun in each group which does not go with the verb
1. make a complaint / a customer / an apology
2. deal with a service / a customer / a problem
3. handle a query / a need / a complaint
4. offer a refund / an apology / a complaint
5. satisfy a need / a customer / a complaint

2.- Choose the correct verbs in italics to complete the text

If a company doesn´t satisfy / offer a customer´s needs and he or she makes / offers a complaint, the compay should respond immediately and deal with / satisfy the customer´s problem. Businesses that don´t try to satisfy / handle their customers usually receive more complaints. If the company offers / deals with a refund the complaining customer will often come back. But if the company fails to even make / handle and a pology, the customer will not only change to another company, but may also tell other people about their bad experience.
What do you think customer service staff should do in the following situations? maths the situations 1-5 with the actions a-e

(c) 1. A customer is angry about a mistake. a Suggest a solution
(a) 2. An angry customer describes the probelm b Say what you can do
(e) 3. A customer complains but doesn´t demand c Stay calm
any action
(d) 4. A customer demands action but the company d Accept that you probably
can´t do what the customer wants wont find a solution
(b)5. The customer is very difficult person e Listen carefully and repeat to check
Complete the extracts from company brochures with the present somple or future form of the verbs in brackets

Lowets prices guaranteed!
If you (find)_find_ the same product at a lower price in another store, we (refund) _refund_ the difference.

Customer service guarantee
If you (be) _will be_ dissatisfied in any way with the quality of our service, we (send) _send_ you a €15 voucher.

Special offer!
We (deduct)_will deduct_ 10 per cent from the price if you (order)_order_ before octuber 31st.

Cancellation charges
If you (cancel) _canel_ less than four weeks before the date departure, the total cost of travel (be)_will be_ payable

Product irformation
If you (require)_requiere_ further information about any of the products featured in this brochure, please call 040 900 900 and our sales staff (be) _will be_ pleased to help you.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

Excersise in the class room

1. If the information is incomplete, won´t be able to understand the message
2. Our sales will increase substantraly, if we will increase the offer
3. We´ll stop the meeting, if will be delayed plans
4. If you order now, you will satisfied you need most fast
5. If you presentation will be better, you will win a better you position job
6. If you car is stolen, you will fall in istery
7. The company doesn´t advertise a product well, willn´t be able to increase their sales
8. If our main competitor goes bankrupt, You will get their market and their customers
9. The company will pay you a performance bonus, You will increase your salary and your ahorar

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Vocabulry 1
Feedback on service
Complete the comments to a holiday travel company with the following words
apology dissatisfied friendly pleased wrong excellent useful mistake dirty rude poor

We had _excellent_ service from firts enquiries on the telephone to arrival at the resort. Staff very _friendly_and efficent.

Very_pleased_ to receive the receipt and confirmation the day after booking

We were very _dissatisfied_ with the service at the hotel. Our room was _dirty_ and the hotel receptionist was _rude_.

When I booked mu holiday, your representative quoted me the _wrong_ price. I pointed out the _mistake_ but she made no _apology_.

The holiday representative had good local knowlege and gave _useful_information

The service in the hotel restaurant was _poor_.

Unit 12

Getting better service
Conditional 1
Dilema: Service not included
A complaint is a gift

Customer satisfaction is an importan part of a company´s sales strategy, so companies try to provide good customers service. That means offering high quality products and services, answering queries, making it easy for customers to order and pay for goods, and delivering in time. companies also need to have system for handling complaints, so that if they make a mistake of offer poor service, they can deal with the problem. Most companies train their customer service staff to deal politely with customers.