jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

The company more candy


The best new´s day to day

President George W Bush has declared a "major strategic shift" in Iraq following the US troop surge.
He said the US now held the initiative and was looking to deliver a "crippling blow" to al-Qaeda in the country.
US troop levels in Iraq are now due to be reduced by about 20,000 by July, but Mr Bush said after that, the "drawdown" process would be frozen.
Then, he said, senior commander General David Petraeus would have "all the time he needs" to assess the next step.
Gen Petraeus had called for a 45-day "period of consolidation and evaluation" after July, before any more troops left.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

The present perfect

Complete the text with the present perfect form of the following verbs
(positive or negative).

Be Decide Fall Introduce Rise See Stay

The Channel Tunnel is an impressive example of modern technology, but it 1have been so successful as a financial venture. Shareholders are unhappy about the latest reports, which show that the number of cars using the tunnel 2have rised by 8 per cent in the last twelve months. The number of trucks and commercial vehicles 3have stayed at the same level, but the company 4have seen an increase in its market share. Airline traffic between London and Paris 5have fallen because of low cost airfares. Eurotunnel's directors 6have decided not to review their pricing strategy. Instead, they 7have introduced a programme of cost-cutting in the hope of saving the company.

Conditional 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If you have an accident, the insurance company (pay) will pay the costs.

If you (not have) don't have insurance, you will have to pay for the damage yourself.

You could miss your plane if you (not hurry) dont hurry.

You (not lose) won't lose money if you invest in a strong company.

There will be an extra charge if the costumer (not pay) doesn't pay on time.

The company (need) will need to recruit more staff if they set up the new office.

Our staff (learn) will learn to do a better job if we give them training.

If the quality (be) is poor, our customers will complain.

Vocabulary check

Choose the best option a-c to complete the text.

Jhon went skiing last winter. He had an 1 accident and fell 20 metres down the mountain. he hasn't 2 injured, but his camera was 3 damaged. the cost of repairs was $200. He tried to 4 claim on his travel insurance, but the insurance company said that his 5 policy didn't cover dangerous sports.
a accident b incident c injury
a damaged b unhealthy c injured
a injured b damaged c destroyed
a complain b cover c claim
a protection b policy c claim

Expressing arguments

A and B discuss whether to hire a big room or smaller room for a party for customers. They don't know how many people will attend. Match the phrases with the arguments a-e.

A My view is that we should hire the big room, (d)
B On the other hand, (e)
A I understand your point, (b)
B Surely the main point (c)
A That's right. (a)

a If the room is too small, our customers will lave - and that could cost us a lot!
b but if a lot of people come, we will need the space.
c is to save costs where we can.
d because it's better to have too much space than not enough.
e we might have to pay a lot of money for space we don't need.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Choose the correct form of the words in italics.

A study was 1 recent/recently carried out into the productivity of 160 engineers worked in teams but also did many tasks 2 individual/individually. The study looked at how 3 frequent/frequently the engineers helped each other. Engineers were also asked to say how 4 high/highly they respected each of their colleagues. The study found that 5 helpful/helpfully engineers received a 6 high/highly level of respect from their colleagues. However, if they gave help but didn't receive much, they were not very 7 productive/productively. Those engineers who accepted help as well as giving it were able to boost their productivity and were also more 8 popular/popularly with their colleagues.

Adjectives and adverbs "Conditional 2"

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brakets.

If the staff (be) were more motivated, they would be more productive.

People (not look) wouldn't look for new jobs if their pay was higher.

Henry would stay in hte same company if he had better career opportunities.

It would be difficult to attract new staff if we (not offer) didn't offer good salaries.

I (enjoy) would enjoy my job more if I could be more creative.

Susan doesn't like working alone. She'd be happier if she (be) were part of a team.

The staff (work) could work more efficiently if their office was more up-to-date.

If we (install) installed a new computer system, we could do the work in half the time.

The present perfect "Conditional 1"

Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Peter Grossman (1start) started his career as an insurance clerk in 1997. But after four years he (2leave) left this job, and (3 join) joined Hertleins, a financial services company. He (4be) has been with this company since 2001. Since joining Hertleins, he (5have) has had two different kinds of job. To begin with, he (6sell) has sold investments to customers all over the country. but he (7not like) didn't like selling very much, so he (8ask) asked the company if he could move to another department. Now he works as an assistant in the human resources depatment. He (9 work) has worked in this job for nearly two years now.