jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Redefining Marketing WADA The American Marketing Association (AMA), released a new definition of marketing, introducing explicitly the increasingly important role that this discipline is playing in society:

This is the new definition:
"Marketing is the activity, set of relevant practices and processes to create, communicate, release and exchange offers that have value for customers, partners and society in general"

The previous definition read:
"The marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and to manage customer relationships so that benefit the organization and shareholders

I think a clearer definition.

In the U.S. the definition of marketing WADA is very important, obviously its partners want to be regarded as official, is quoted in books and teach in universities. I'm not sure if it achieves this goal, but there is no doubt the influence of this partnership that includes among its members of the board of directors executives Yahoo!, Dupont and other companies, as well as professors from various universities, including the famous Harvard School of Business.

What do you think?????